February 27, 2022

What's In a Name?

It has christened this new venture with vales of peace, healing, rest and relief...

What’s in a Name?


           When you start something new, like opening a new business it is helpful to spend time reflecting on what has gone well and what you wish you had done differently. Regret, reflection and renewal or the opportunity to try again are all a part of progress and growth. I opened Hummingbird Healthcare in October of 2021 and it has been a humbling and insightful experience. I set out with every intention to follow in the footsteps and apply all the advice of others who have gone this before me. I wouldn’t make the silly mistakes that they made because I read their words and would heed their advice. Turns out, like most things, nothing is quite that linear, obvious, or easy. Hindsight as they say is twenty twenty.

           In business when it comes to the name you generally want it to be obvious and clear as to what type of service you provide. You do not want your clients having to search or guess what’s up. I toiled over the name of this business for weeks, I sent outFacebook polls asking for feedback and tried to hear or listen to myself and what I knew to be true. The result, a name that is meaningful to me and my purpose but not obvious to any clients about what services I provide. Even though it will never meet the criteria of being obvious regarding services rendered,I would like to take a moment to explain the importance and significance of the name Hummingbird Healthcare.

           When I decided to become a nurse around 2004 it was after I had studied abroad inCentral America. My time in Central America was challenging, amazing and life changing. It is the reason I decided to pursue a career in nursing. Before I left for nursing school I was working in El Centro at an after-school program for migrant kids. My boss and friend at El Centro gave me a book entitled, TheHummingbird’s Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea. The book is a story of Teresita, a girl born to a poor Indian woman whose father she will come to find out is the rich landowner of the land on which her mother worked, was born, and died.Teresita is taken in by her rich father and is taught by an elderly healer and midwife. Huila teaches Teresita the ways of healing with the tools given by the earth. She discovers under Huila’s knowing eye that she has supernatural powers to heal. Such power brings a lot of attention and begins to catch the eye of the Mexican government who is in the midst of a power struggle and is on the precipice of civil war.

           The story is beautiful and moving and I flattered that a respected friend would give me that story knowing that my future too was destined to be in healing. I do not hold magic powers of healing but like Teresita I strive to use the tools I have in both traditional and non-traditional therapies to bring peace and reduce suffering. When my husband purposed the idea of Hummingbird Healthcare as a name for my business, it felt like the perfect fit for me and what I hoped to accomplish. It does not let any new clients know what services I offer, but more importantly to me it has christened this venture with the values that are important to me and those that I aim to infuse in this business. Values of peace, healing, rest, and relief from suffering.

           If you struggle with issues of fatigue, difficulty losing weight, low libido, poor sleep, depression ,and uncontrolled stress it is very likely I could help. Please reach out and schedule a free 15 min consultation to see if my services could help you find relief.