April 10, 2022

Weight Loss: A Different Approach

I offer is an understanding emotionally and physically of the challenges of weight loss

How do I lose weight? If you are like me this is a question you have asked yourself a million times but have yet to find the answer…until now. In this blog I will discuss how hormones support or hinder weight loss, how lower calories and more exercise may not be the answer and the complicated relationship we all have with food.  If there were a magic pill or one sizes fits all strategy that worked for everyone I would be ten times richer than Jeff Bezos right now. What I have to offer is no magic pill but an understanding emotionally and physically of the challenges you face regarding how to lose weight and some strategies to overcome them.

As I have mentioned in previous blogs optimal hormone balance, particularly testosterone can increase lean muscle mass, give you more energy throughout workouts and decrease visceral belly fat. Testosterone can be used safely in women and men and also has a positive effect in lowering cholesterol, decreasing Apo A and increasing Apo B, all of which are known to protect you against heart disease. Optimizing thyroid is also helpful in supporting weight loss. If you are unsure how this is done then check out my blog, Thyroid: What You Need To Know To Feel Better.

Progesterone can also support healthy eating habits but not directly. Let me explain as relates to our complicated relationship with food. We need to eat food to sustain our bodies but clearly we do not just eat because we are hungry. A common alter use for food is as a form of control, think about toddlers who refuse to eat the alphabet nuggets but will eat the dinosaur shaped nuggets (they’re the same damn nuggets man) or people who suffer from anorexia and bulimia. They use too little or too much food so they can have a feeling of control in a life that feels out of control. We also use food as a form of numbing so we don’t have to feel sad, anxious or bored. We may also use it to feel happy and to celebrate. What do you do if you are getting married? Have some cake and champagne. If a women goes through a difficult break up what would her friends likely do? Take her out drinking at a bar? Bring her greasy takeout and ice cream? None of that has to do with sustenance, its all about numbing uncomfortable feelings. Micronized progesterone when taken orally passes through the liver and stimulates GABA receptors which supports feeling good and regulates mood. When we feel better we are less likely to turn to food to numb out unwanted feelings because we have less of the unwanted feelings.

Eat less exercise more. This is generally bad and frustrating advice.  It is low key blammie towards the person who is overweight.  Without saying it directly, it sends the message that you wouldn’t have this problem if only you were more disciplined in your eating and exercise habits. Although there is an element of personal responsibility necessary to make changes, if it was as easy as deciding that you will or won’t eat something again then we wouldn’t be having this discussion. It has been my personal and professional experience that even when a choice seems unreasonable to others, we all make the choices we make because it gives us something we desire. Step one to figuring out the weight loss mystery for you, is awareness. It seems almost too simple to be true but a food diary even for one week can be eye opening. For example, I used to work 12 hr shifts as a nurse in the hospital. It didn’t matter if I worked day or night shift, when I came home after work hungry or not, I was usually hungry, I would eat something. What I finally came to realize was, after work I was tired and usually emotionally and physically drained. I would eat regardless of hunger to numb feelings of stress, sadness or fatigue. Now that I know that about myself I can stop and ask myself, what could I do to take care of myself or manage difficult feelings besides eat half a bag of chips and salsa. I could drink tea, meditate or practice deep breathing. A long bath, yoga and reading a book would all be more helpful than mindlessly chomping on pizza rolls because I had a difficult or taxing day. Take time this week to watch yourself and before you eat anything consider why. Are you eating because its time to eat? Because someone else is eating? Because you are tired? Stressed? Sad? Worried? Want to celebrate? Figuring out the why behind your actions is a pivotal first step in choosing the life you want to live.

If you are trying to lose weight and finding it difficult just know that you are not a weird anomaly with no hope. There is absolutely the right solution for you and I would love to help you get there! Direct message me with questions about how to schedule your initial consultation so you can start your health journey today!

Be sure you come back next week when I discuss in more detail scientifically proven rules to behavior change that can help you create healthy habits in your life.